A Vegan Thanksgiving

We have incorporated Thanksgiving into our lives, if not in the traditional way, then in spirit. Almost a decade ago we were invited by one of A’s friends to join them for their Thanksgiving meal. We were the only outsiders in her houseful of family, and definitely the only vegetarians. I had just lost my mom earlier that year, and was finding it hard to come to terms with losing both parents in such a short span of time. Frankly, I was a mess that Thanksgiving. But they invited us, and wrapped us in their cocoon of extended family of grandparents, brothers, nephews and daughter and her college friends who just decided to stop by. While tables overflowed with food and conversation, we joined in their tradition of expressing gratitude for at least one thing in our thing in our life. When it was my turn, I drew a blank. All I could think of was my parents who were gone forever. And then, I looked around the room. And I was grateful. For the friends gathered there, making an effort to get me over my grief. For my two little daughters whose smiles had been my sunshine these past six months. For life’s as yet unlived moments.

That’s the essence of this Holiday, in my opinion. Count our blessings. So even if you cant have a stuffed turkey dinner, you can be still be grateful for the abundance of sides that will ensure that you don’t get left behind. With that in mind, I looked back at my blog, and collected a list of recipes that can add to your vegan/ vegetarian dinner menu. The pictures below take you to recipe links of how I made them. Enjoy!!

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